حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Test 1

A. Listen and make notes of the reasons the girls lost the basketball match. There are five more reasons.

Carol: How was the basketball match, Farida?

Farida: Terrible Carol. We lost.

Carol: You lost against Kent College?

Farida: Yes, and I think I know why.

Carol: So, why did you lose?

Farida: I think the main reason is that we changed our captain just two days before the match.

Carol: Really? And what else?

  1. Changed captain two days before match.
  2. didn't train hard enough in the week before game.
  3. had a party night before.
  4. Jenny best player had knee problem.
  5. Layla didn't pass the ball.
  6. Helen fell over.

B. Use the notes to write sentences like the example expressing regret.

  • If only we hadn't changed captain two days before the match.
  • If only we had trained hard in the week before the game.
  • If only we hadn't had a party the night before.
  • If only Jenny, our best player hadn't had a knee problem.
  • If only Layla had passed the ball.
  • If only Helen hadn't fallen over.

C. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

words c

  1. This stew is a bit tasteless. Can you pass me the salt, please?
  2. I'm starving. When are we going to have lunch?
  3. We can't have a barbecue. There isn't any charcoal.
  4. Can you boil some water and make the tea, please?
  5. The rice isn't very hot, let me heat it a bit for you in the microwave.
  6. Sit down and I'll bring you a nice bowl of soup.
  7. Where's the olive oil? I'm going to fry some potatoes for lunch.
  8. There's lots of honey in this cake. That's why it's so sweet.
  9. Would you like a slice of cake with your coffee?
  10. Can you take this dirty dish to the sink and wash them up, please?

D. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. The river is very fast and dangerous. The sign says you .... not swim in it.

  • must
  • should
  • might

2. I wish I .... that to her. Now she hates me.

  • hadn't said
  • didn't say
  • can't

3. You ... do your homework tonight. It's the weekend tomorrow.

  • mustn't
  • don't have to
  • can't

4. We ... write about our favorite food for homework yesterday.

  • have to
  • had
  • had to

5. If you .... change your life, how would you change it?

  • can
  • could
  • will

6. There's a bad smell in the kitchen. .... empty the rubbish bin.

  • You'd better
  • You better
  • Better you

7. What ... buy first if your father gave you 2 million Iraqi dinars?

  • do you
  • will you
  • would you

8. My brother works for the police, but he ... wear a uniform.

  • don't have to
  • doesn't have to
  • doesn't have

9. If you don't feel well, I think you ... go and lay down.

  • will
  • need
  • should

10. I wish I .... lots of languages. Then I could be an interpreter.

  • spoke
  • speaking
  • speak

E. Write sentences in the second conditional.

1. I (give) you some money if I (have) any.

I would give you some money if I had any.

2. If I (be) you, I (not lend) him your bike.

If I were you, I wouldn't lend him your bike.

3. Where (you go) if you can) have lots of free plane tickets?

Where would you go if you could have lots of free plane tickets?

4. If you (wake up) and (not remember) your own name, what (you do)?

If you woke up and didn't/ couldn't remember your own name, what (you do)?

5. If she (live) nearer, I (see) her every day.

If she lived nearer, I would see her every day.

F. Match the sentence beginnings and endings. Then write full sentences, putting the verbs in the correct tense.


  1. Do you wish you were still on holiday?
  2. I wish I knew her name.
  3. My grandmother wishes she could drive.
  4. Salwa wishes she did not have to wear glasses.
  5. They wish they had a bigger house.
  6. Halim wishes he lived near the sea.

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
