حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 9: If only I'd listened

التحسر/ الندم Regrets

لإظهار الندم استخدم (صيغة الماضي التام + If only or I wish):

I wish I had listened to my mother

I wish I hadn't been so selfish

If only I had taken my brother with me

الاستخدام Use:

الندم هي تمنيات عن الماضي، مثل:

I wish I had gone to Egypt last year

A. Read the article on Student's Book pages 64 and 65 again and match the words and phrases to their meanings.


B. Answer these questions.

1. In which two ways does Faisal sometimes annoy Dana and Layla?

He pulls Layla's long hair and he wants the girls to play football with him when they want to talk to each other.

2. What food and drink did Dana take with her for the picnic?

A: She baked two cakes for the picnic and she took fruit and lemonade.

3. What lie did Dana tell her mother?

A: Dana told her mother that there wouldn't be space in the car for Faisal, but she didn't know if this was true.

4. How did Dana find out about Faisal's accident?

A: Dana's mother phoned her.

5. How did the accident happen?

A: He had gone out on his bike and a car had hit him.

6. How did Dana feel when she saw her brother in hospital?

A: She felt extremely sorry.

7. What did she wish?

She wished she hadn't been so selfish and had taken Faisal on the park.

8. How did everyone know Faisal was better on the fourth day?

They knew he was better because he wanted ice-cream, sweets and lemonade.

C. Write a summary of the story in your own words. Start like this and complete the sentences beginnings.

  • Dana was invited to the park for a picnic by Layla and her family.
  • Her brother Faisal wanted to go too, but Dana didn't want him to.
  • She told her mother that there wouldn't be room in Layla's car for Faisal, but she didn't know if this was true.
  • At the park, Dana had lots of fun with Layla. Then she got a call from her mother. Faisal had had an accident and was in hospital.
  • Faisal was unconscious. Dana felt terrible. She wished she hadn't been so selfish. In the end, Faisal woke up on the fourth day and came home a few days later.
  • He was fine.

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
