حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 6

A. Use the prompts to write quiz questions in the second conditional.

How honest are you?

1. If a shop assistant (give) you too much change by mistake, what (you do)?

If a shop assistant gave you too much change by mistake, what would you do?

2. If the waiter (forget) to give you your bill at a cafe, (you tell him)?

If the waiter forgot to give you your bill at a cafe, would you tell him?

3. If you (find) 2 million Iraqi dinars in the street, (you take) it to the police station?

If you found 2 million Iraqi dinars in the street, would you take it to police station?

4. If you (see) your friend cheating in an exam, what you do?

If you saw your friend cheating in an exam, what would you do?

5. If a very rich friend (lend) you 50,000 Iraqi dinars and (forget) about it, (you keep) quiet or you (remind) your friend?

If a very rich friend lent you 50,000 Iraqi dinars and forgot about it, would you keep quiet or remind your friend?

6. If you (crash) your scooter into an expensive car and nobody saw you, what (you do)?

If you crashed your scooter into an expensive car and nobody saw you, what would you do?

7. You read your sister's or brother's letters and diary if you (find) them in their cupboard?

Would you read your sister's or brother letters and diary if you found them in their cupboard?

8. How (you feel) if you (lose) your bag containing 50,000 Iraqi dinars?

How would you feel if you lost bag containing 50,000 Iraqi dinars?

D. The police have just returned your purse, which you lost in the street.

Write a letter saying thank you to the person who handed it in. Start like this.


Thank you very much for handing in my purse to the police station.

I was very worried when I lost it last week. It had quite a lot of money in it, about 200 in cash and gift cards.

I was really upset. I have to admite that I'm very surprised, and so unbelievably grateful that my purse was returned intact.

I know this sounds cheesy, but it touched me on a deeper level because this reaffirmed my faith in people as a whole.

I was feeling especially upset because two other unfortunate circumstances have happened to me.

I really want to thank you for your faithfulness that you turned in the purse.


حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
