حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 5: If you were in trouble

الحالة الشرطية الثانية Second conditional:

(ماضي بسيط + if) في جملة فعل الشرط و(مصدر + would/could/might) في الجملة الرئيسية.

الاستخدام Use:

استخدم الحالة الشرطية الثانية للحديث عن حالات غير حقيقية الآن أو عن حالات غير محتملة في المستقبل:

.If I had wings, I'd fly all over the world

.He'd be much fitter if he stopped smoking

A. Study the language box, then write sentences in the second conditional. Add a comma where necessary.

1. If she (have) shorter hair, she Looke (nicer).

If she had shorter hair, she would look nicer.

2. You (not be) tired if you (go) to bed earlier.

You wouldn't be tired if you went to bed earlier.

3. If he (not smoke), he (be) a lot healthier.

If he didn't smoke, he would be a lot healthier.

4. What (you do) if you (find) 3 million Iraqi dinars in the street?

What would you do if you found 3 million Iraqi dinars in the street?

5. If you (have) wings, where (you fly)?

If you had wings, where would you like?

6. Everybody (like) him if he (not be) so bossy.

Everybody would like him if he was not so bossy.

7. I (tell) you the answer if I (know) it.

I would tell you the answer If I knew it.

Write your own answers to the interview questions on Student's Book.

  • If I won I,000 in a competition, I'd buy a MP3 player and a laptop.
  • If I could choose to meet a famous person, I'd like to choose Kadhim Al Saher the famous Iraqi singer.
  • If I could visit any place in the world, I'd like to go to pyramids in Egypt.
  • If I were the Prime Minister of our country, I'd improve healthy condition in our hospitals.
  • If I could change one thing in my looks, I wouldn't change anything.
  • If I were in some kind of serious trouble, I'd ask my father for help.
  • If I had to leave home in an emergency, I'd take my camera and a bottle of water.

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
