حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Test 1

A. Listen to a tourist asking for information about the Mangasha National Reserve in East Africa. Fill in the factfile by writting notes or putting ticks or crosses in the boxes.

  • Started: 1986.
  • Size: 12 square kilometers.
  • Campsites: 26.
  • Guided: 85 per day.
  • Guided tours: minibus for 16 people.
  • Price: 60 per person per day lunch included.
  • Big animals: elephant, lion, zebra, rhino.
  • Endangered species: black rhino.
  • Birds: 204 species.
  • Rainy season: April to June - hot and wet.
  • Dry season: January to March - hot and dry.
  1. Car parks: T
  2. Huntin: F
  3. Hospital: T
  4. Restaurants: F- not mentioned
  5. Picnic areas: T

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in the correct form.

words b

  1. We must try to protect the environment around the industrial site.
  2. I expect I will get a job with the oil company.
  3. Don't throw those plastic plates away. We can clean them and reuse them.
  4. The hotel was damaged by the tsunami. They had to rebuild it.
  5. I couldn't decide what to tell her. I rewrote the letter four times.
  6. People around here hunt with falcons. It's a traditional sport.
  7. don't forget to recharge your mobile phone you'll need it.
  8. Pollution from that factory has killed most of the fish in the river near here.
  9. It's difficult to breed pandas in zoos. They seem unhappy.
  10. It is possible to recycle most of the metal parts in computers.

C. Match Mrs Yossef's sentences and her daughter's replies. Write the correct letters in the boxes.


D. Put the verbs in the correct form and match the sentences halves.

  1. If you have any problems, d. Wil you call me?
  2. If the zoo has any success breeding gorillas, C. They will be put back into the wild.
  3. If the panda becomes extinct, e. The Chinese will feel very sad about it.
  4. If you throw away your phone, f. It will end up on a rubbish dump.
  5. If we go to Egypt, a. We'll be able to see the Aswan Dam.
  6. If my sister fails this exam, b. She will have to retake it.

E. Complete the sentences with will, shall or cross.

  1. Shall I write down the number for you? (offer)
  2. If we X stay in a hotel, it will cost a lot. (First Cond)
  3. My uncle will let you stay at his house if you X go to London. (First Cond)
  4. They will be there on time- don't worry. (Future Simple)
  5. Shall we lend you our laptop computer to do the job? (offer)
  6. If your friends X make a lot of noise, your mother will get angry. (First Cond)
  7. If we don't X do something, the dugong will become extinct. (First Cond)

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
