حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 2: Environment

Right whale:

1. Why is it called the (right) whale?

Because it is the right whale to hunt.

2. Why is it easy to catch the right whale?

Because it is slow.

3. How is the right whale?

Slow and has a lot of oil in its body.

4. Why isn't the population of the right whale increasing?

Because of the population of the sea.

5. How can we save the right whale?

We must cut pollution.

Mountain Gorilla:

1. Where do Gorilla live?

In the forest.

2. Why is Gorilla's habitat is getting smaller?

Because people cut down trees and destroy forest.

3. Is hunting Gorilla's legal or illegal?

It is illegal.

4. How can we save Gorilla's?

We must stop hunting them and breed them in zoo.

Giant Panda:

1. What do Panda eat?


2. Where can panda live? Why?

In place with lots of bamboo because they eat it.

3. What is the Panda's problem?

If people destroy its habitat they can't move to other place.


1. Is law against hunting tigers?

Yes, and it is illegal.

2. Why is still there a lot of tiger hunting?

a. Because people think tigers are dangerous.

b. Tigers eat cows and sheep.

c. Tigers bones are used in Chinese medicine.

الحالة الشرطية الأولى First conditional

الشكل Form

Main clause If clause
Future (will/going to/ may) + مصدر Present simple If

We will go without here

I'm going to get angry

She is late

You don't stop that



الاستخدام Use:

استخدم جملة الحالة الشرطية الأولى للتحدث عن أحداث ممكنة أو محتملة في المستقبل، استخدمها عندما تريد تكوين تنبؤات حول ما سيحدث في حالة حدوث أو عدم حدوث شيء ما.

المستقبل The future:

الشكل Form

Negative Affirmative
Will not call Will call




السؤال question:


الاستخدام use:

استخدم wii/won't للتنبؤات والوعود والتهديدات والعروض والقرارات، مثل:

It'll be hot tomorrow تنبؤ

We will help you with the party food وعد

You will be sorry about this تهديد

التحدث عن المستقبل باستخدام going to:

الشكل Form


سؤال question:

Are they going to get married

إجابات قصيرة:

Affirmative: Yes, I am/ Yes, you are/ Yes, he is

Negative: No, she isn't/ No, they aren't


استخدم going to للحديث عن القصد (النية) مثل:

This watch doesn't work. I know. I'm going to buy a new one

استخدم going to عندما يمكنك رؤية ما سيحدث:

The sky is full of clouds. It's going to rain

A. Read the questions and find the answers on Student's Book page 35 as quickly as you can.

1. Which animal is eaten by some people?

The mountain gorilla.

2. Which animal eats bamboo?

The giant panda.

3. Which animal eats cows?

The tiger.

4. Which animal is used in medicine?

The tiger.

5. There are less than four hindered of which animal?

The north Atlantic right whale.

B. Read the fact files again, Complete the table by ticking The correct columns.

protect habitat cut pollution breed in zoos stoop hunting
T right whale
T T giant panda
T T T mountain gorilla
T T T tiger

C. Look at the completed table and write four more sentences with must.

  1. If we want to save the mountain gorilla, we must stop hunting it.
  2. If we want to save the right whale, we must cut pollution.
  3. If we want to save the tiger, we must breed it in zoos.
  4. If we want to save the tiger, we must stop hunting it.

E. Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the box. You can use each more than one.


  1. My cat look like a tiger.
  2. Fuad looks very tired today.
  3. Your brother looks like a businessman.
  4. The book looks interesting. Have you read it?
  5. People say that I look like my father.
  6. Those elephants look ill. Why are they lying down?

Choose two of the animals on Student's Book page 34. Write descriptions. Give some facts and your own opinion.

  • Giant pandas are bear-like in shape with striking black and white markings. The Giant pandas are hardly "Giants".
  • It would take about forty 40 giant pandas to weight as much as one elephant.
  • Adult giant pandas have a length of 160 to 180 centimeters.
  • The weight of an adult male giant panda is normally between 80 and 125 kilograms with males typically weighing about 10% to 20% more than females .. about the same size as the American black bear.
  • However, unlike the black bear giant pandas don't hibernate and can't walk on their hind legs.
  • Giant panda bears have a massive head, heavy body, short tail, rounded ears and plant grade feet.
  • Giant pandas generally move in a slow, determined manner. When started, they will move at a slow trot to escape danger.
  • Giant pandas with their sharp clows, are capable of climbing trees very easily.
  • Giant panda cubs are born blind and hairless. At about 10 days the skin where the black hair will eventually grow turns gray.

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
