حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Test 1

A. You are going to hear someone talking about what's on TV this week. Listen and tick one answer about each programme.

1. The film My Broken Heart

  • was first shown on TV in 2003.
  • may make you cry.
  • is about an operation in hospital.

2. Steve's Night Out

  • is a chat show.
  • is going to start earlier than usual.
  • is about sport.

3. In Londoners

  • You will hear some new songs.
  • Gerry wants to work with Sandy at the supermarket.
  • everyone seems to have problems.

4. House Colors

  • is a lifestyle programme.
  • is about saving money.
  • is about cooking.

5. The football match

  • will be on the Internet.
  • will be later than usual.
  • will have an effect on the usual programmes.

6. The wildlife film could have the title.

  • Dolphins around the world.
  • Fishing for Dolphins.
  • The Mediterranean Dolphin in Danger.

C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

  1. There's a fire in that house. Quick, call the fire bridge.
  2. Two people have been seriously hurt in the accident. We need to call an ambulance.
  3. The writers and editors don't decide how to arrange the text and photos on a page. That's a job for the designer.
  4. Change the word kids to children, please. The word kids is too informal for this article.
  5. I loved the way the children could fly and work through walls in that film. I thought the special effects were fantastic.
  6. We have wonderful sports facilities in Baghdad now.
  7. I'd like to make an appointment to see the bank manager, please.
  8. I wouldn't like to be a contestant in a TV game show.
  9. I want to have my own business, I'd like to be an employer, not an employee.
  10. My brother plays football so well he wants to become a professional player.

D. Circle the word in each group that doesn't belong. Choose the correct name for each group.


  1. article / phone / headline / realistic (Newspapers)
  2. cartoon / forecast / horror / thriller (types of film)
  3. chat show / game show / soap opera / still life (TV programmes)
  4. comedy / exhibtion / painting / gallery (art)
  5. parsley / salty / spicy / tasteless (describing food)

E, Choose the best way to complete each sentence. Write the letter.

1. It's really late ..... go home now.

  • We better
  • We'd better
  • We'd better to

2. If I ... you, I'd ask the doctor about the cut on your hand.

  • was
  • am
  • were

3. Do you ever wish you ..... more money?

  • have
  • had
  • having

4. I feel sick. I wish I ..... so much chocolate.

  • don't eat
  • can't eat
  • hadn't eaten

5. I really wish you ......come with us tomorrow?

  • could
  • can
  • will

6. There's plenty of time. We ..... to do this essay until next week.

  • don't have
  • didn't have
  • mustn't

7. How many questions ..... to answer in the text last week?

  • must you
  • did you
  • did you have

8. The dentist told me sweets or chocolate.

  • not to eat
  • not eating
  • mustn't eat

9. Layla asked ...... come on the picnic with us.

  • can she
  • if she could
  • she could

10. My brother asked me where ... been.

  • you have
  • I have
  • I had

11. Nowadays, a lot of good films ..... in the Middle East.

  • are making
  • were made
  • are being made

12. A lot of changes ....... since your last visit.

  • have been made
  • were made
  • are made

13. I really think something .... about the rubbish in the park.

  • could do
  • must be doing
  • should be done

14. Do you remember that place ...... we had a picnic last year?

  • which
  • where
  • whose

15. Where did you have your bike .....?

  • repair
  • repairing
  • repaired

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
