حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 3: You said you were happy

Reported speech: Tense and pronoun changes الكلام غير المباشر

have→ had

I have a cold. (she said she had a cold)

have to/must→ had to

You must leave early. (He told us we had to leave early)

is going to→was going to

I'm going to cry. (He said he was going to cry)


We'll give you a lift. (They said they would give me a lift)

توجد أربعة أنواع أساسية للكلام غير المباشر:

  1. الجمل الخبرية مع (say/tell).
  2. الجمل الاستفهامية.
  3. الجمل الأمرية.
  4. الكلام المباشر مع بقية الأفعال.

الجمل الخبرية مع say/tell

عندما تذكر نفس كلمات المتكلم، غير صيغ الأفعال والضمائر، الفعلان الرئيسيان للكلام غير المباشر هما (say/tell) في هذه الأمثلة يمكن أن يحل محل said الفعل told (me) يمكن حذف (that) في هذه الأمثلة:

present simple→past simple

  • Tariq: I know all about it.
  • Tariq said that he knew all about it.

present continous→past continous

  • Mariam: I am enjoying myself.
  • Mariam said that she was enjoying herself.

present perfect→past perfect

  • Sara: my father has bought me a new computer.
  • Sara said that her father had bought her a new computer.

present perfect continous→past perfect continous

  • Ahmed: I have been playing tennis.
  • Ahmed said that he had been playing tennis.

past simple→past perfect

  • Salwa: You didn't phone me.
  • Salwa said that I hadnot phone her.

past continous→past perfect continous

  • Nour: I was waiting outside.
  • Nour said that she had been waiting outside.

تغيرات الضمائر:






A. What were William's own words in his first interview with Alan Jones? Tick the correct boxes.

2. a) I don't expect it to be a great success.

  • I didn't expect it to be a great success.
  • I will expect it to be a great success.

3. a) My next book was better.

  • My next book will be better.
  • My next book was better.

4. a) Writing was a very lonely occupation.

  • Writing would be a very lonely occupation.
  • Writing is a very lonely occupation.

5. a) I'm not sure that I'll continue.

  • I wasn't sure that I'll continue.
  • I'm not sure that I would continue.

B. Listen to some of William's first interview with Alan Jones. Complete the reported sentences.

2. He said he had lived in China until he was fifteen.

3. He said he had always liked writing stories and that he was no good at anything else.

4. He said he was going to relax in Spain for a month.

5. He said he would get on with his next novel after that.

6. He said it would probably be set in China.

7. He said he couldn't spell, so he had to use 'spell check' a lot.

8. he said he wrote in English, but he thought in Mandarin.

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
