حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Test 2

A. Choose the best word(s) a,b, or c for each space. Write the words in the spaces.

  • This is a true story. I am an artist. Last summer I was staying in Scotland in a little house near a lake.
  • It was a lovely place and I had a little boat for fishing on the lake. I had been living there for three weeks when a very strange thing happened.
  • One evening I was looking at one of my paintings when I heard someone outside. I opened the door and saw a little gir.
  • She was about eight years old. Her clothes and her hair were wet. She was wearing a gold necklace around her neck with three pearls on it.
  • "Please help me" she said. "My name is Tina. I've just come out of the lake, My sister Fiona, is in trouble.
  • She is trying to swim across the lake, but she isn't a good swimmer and the water is very deep.
  • She is very tired and she has a pain in her leg. If you don't help her she will drown".

B. Read the next part of the story. Complete it with the verbs in brackets in the past simple.

  • Then the little girl ran (run) outside. I followed (follow) her but suddenly she wasn't (not be) there.
  • I looked (look) everywhere for here but didn't see (not see) her anywhere.
  • I got (get) into my boat and went (go) to the middle of the lake.
  • I found (find) Fiona immediately. She was (be) very tired and she couldn't (can't) keep her head out of the water.
  • I stopped (stop) the boat and pulled (pull) her into it.

C. Read the final part of the story. Choose the best word(s) a, b or c for each space. Write the words in spaces.

  • When we got home, I carried her inside. I gave her a hot drink and she thanked me for saving her life. Don't thank me, I said to her.
  • You should thank your sister. She came and told me you were in trouble. What do you mean? Fiona answered. I haven't got a sister.
  • I had a sister but she died when she was only eight years old. "She pointed at her neck. "This was her necklace," she said.
  • I looked at the necklace and my mouth fell open. It was gold with three pearls on it.
  • I always wear it to remember my little sister. I will never forget my little sister Tina.

D. Write a letter or an e-mail to an English-speaking friend inviting him to a trip. Write about 150 words.

Dear George,

I'm writing to tell you That I and my friends went on a trip to the north of Iraq. We were very excited- it was our first trip to the north of Iraq.

We spent two days in April and did different things every day. We went to a very interesting castle called Arbil castle.

We didn't have time to visit any other castles. However, we went to two historical cities.

Both have really interesting ruins. Another day we went to into a cable car. We wanted to go to the top of the mountain and ski down.

Next week I'm going to go to Duhok. I'm glad that you can join me and hope that you stay at my house in Baghdad.

I'm planning to go sightseeing and enjoy the attractive nature there especially waterfalls.

Besides, there're good offers in shopping stores so we can enjoy shopping and the fascinating weather at the same time.

Write soon, I'm waiting for your response.


حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
