حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Revision 2

A. All the vowels are missing in the words below. Read the clues and write the complete words.

1. P S T N Which .. should the switch be in: up or down? position

2. P L G You have to ... in the machine to make it work. plug

3. P R S S ... the red button and the left will come. press

4. S L C T Another word for choose. select

5. T R N please ... the air conditioning on. It is too hot in here. turn

6. F X Another word for repair. fix


7 R G H The opposite of calm (to describe the sea). rough

8. L N L Y You feel ... if you spend too much time alone. lonely

9. S F L A dictionary is very ... when you are learning a language. useful

10. W R N G The opposite of correct. wrong

11. C R W D D Full of people. crowded

12. F T Healthy. fit


13. M L A message you send using the internet. email

14. D W N L D To copy information from the internet onto a computer. download

15. N L N When you connect to the internet, you go ... online

16. S R F To ... the net means to visit one website after another. surf

17. W B S T A set of pages about a particular topic on the internet. website

18. L N K A... on the internet connects to another page. link

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
