حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى


A. Circle the correct verb in each sentence.

  1. Does (it ever rain/ Is it ever raining) in Baghdad in the summer?
  2. Be quiet. I (am listening/ listen) to something interesting on the radio.
  3. Why (do you take/ are you taking) a photo of me? please don't.
  4. My sister always (goes/ is going) to bed late.
  5. Who (is knocking/ knocks) at the door? Can you go and see?

B. Choose the correct verb and write it in the correct tense: past simple or past continous.

1. She (see/stand) at the bus stop when she (see/stand) a strange woman in a big red hat.

She was standing at the bus stop when she saw a strange woman in a big red hat.

2. While I (fly/work) in my room, a green bird (fly/work) through the window.

While I was working in my room, a green bird flew through the window.

3. We (walk/talk) about Khaled when he suddenly (walk/talk) into the room.

We were talking about Khaled when he suddenly walked into the room.

4. I (read/ring) my magazine when the phone (read/ring).

I was reading my magazine when the phone rang.

5. While you (make/sleep), I (make/sleep) a chocolate cake.

While you were sleeping, I made a chocolate cake.

C. Write the verbs in the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.

  1. I have been reading (read) this book for two month but I still haven't finished (not finish) it.
  2. How long has he been playing (he/play) that stupid computer game?
  3. I have never tried (never try) Chimese food.
  4. How many letters have you written (you/write) today?
  5. Turn the TV off! you have been watching (watch) it for about two hours.

D. Complete the sentences in the future with will/won't.

  1. It won't be (not be) cold in Baghdad. You won't need (not need) a coat at this time of year.
  2. I'm afraid I probably won't be able (not be able) to play tennis with you tomorrow.
  3. Where will they be (they be) at this time tomorrow?
  4. That bag looks heavy. I will help (help) you to carry it.
  5. Who will give (give) me a lift to school? I'm really late.
  6. Do you think we will win (win) the match tomorrow?
  7. What wil you do (you do) if you don't pass this exam?

E. Circle the correct verb in each sentence.

  1. "What wrong with your leg?" "I (broke/have broken) it"
  2. (Have you read/Did you read) any of Gibran's poems?
  3. "Why are there so many police cars?" I think there (was/has been) an accident."
  4. Wehr's Mariam? She (has gone/went) out. She'll be back soon".
  5. My father is a writer. He (wrote/ has written) a lot of books.

حلول أسئلة الصف الخامس الإعدادي

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
