حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 8: How many mobile phones are produced every day?

تمرين (A) كتاب النشاط ص94. استخدم المحفزات لكتابة جملتين، الأولى يجب أن تكون بصيغه المبني للمجهول في زمن الماضي والثانية يجب أن تكون بصيغه المبني للمجهول في زمن المضارع.

A. Use the prompts to write two sentences. The first should be in the past passive and the second should be in the present passive.

1. new technology / used for extracting oil.

New technology was/is used for extracting oil.

2. eco-friendly cars / invented / to reduce the need for oil.

Eco-friendly cars were/are invented to reduce the need for oil.

3. too many / mobile phones / thrown away.

Too many mobile phones were/are thrown away.

4. oil and gas production / increased in Lodon to / meet demand in cold weather

Oil and gas production was/is increased in London to meet demand in cold weather.

5. new machinery / delivered / to the factory every month.

New machinery was/is delivered to the factory every month.

new phones with bigger screens / tested in our laboratory.

New phones with bigger screens were/are tested in our laboratory.

تمرين (B) كتاب النشاط ص95. أنظر إلى صفحة 64 من كتاب الطالب مرة أخرى ثم أجب عن الأسئلة، أكتب جملاً كاملة.

B. Look at page 74 of your Student's Book again and answer the questions. Write full sentences.

1. How many cars were produced in Kia's European factory in 2008?

In 2008, 150,000 cars were produced in Kia Motors' factory.

2. Where is Kia's European factory?

Kia's European factory is in the Slovakia.

3. How many barrels of oil were produced per day par Iraq in 2006?

Around two million barrels of oil per day were produced in Iraq back in 2006.

4. How many years did it take for the production of oil in Iraq to double?

Just ten years later, this has doubled of oil in Iraq.

5. In what year where 68 million mobile phones manufactured in India's mobile phone plants?

Earlier in 2014, 68 million mobile phones were manufactured in India's mobile phones plants.

6. Is the number of phones manufactured in India going to rise or fall?

The number of phones manufactured in India going to rise.

إنشاء الوحدة السابعة – وزاري

Write about country أكتب عن بلد


  • It is not a very big country, but it has a large population.
  • Industry is It is not a very big country, but it has a large population.
  • Industry is things related to home are made. The farmers grow rice and vegetables.
  • It is very interesting for visitors.
  • They can see old temples and beautiful gardens.
  • They can also go shopping in big modern stores.

إنه ليس بلد كبير لكن لديه كثافة سكانية كبيرة، الصناعة مهمة جداً، يصنع اليابان السيارات، الكمبيوترات وكل أنواع الأشياء التي يحتاجها البيت.
يزرع الفلاحون الرز والخضروات.
إنه ممتع جداً للزائرين، يمكنهم أن يشاهدوا المعابد القديمة والحدائق الجميلة.
يستطيعون أيضاً الذهاب للتسوق في المتاجر الحديثة الكبيرة.

حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
