حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Lesson 3: Read all about it

أسئلة وأجوبة قطعة جريدة الصباح العراقية – وزاري

Iraqi Morning News

1. Where did the Iraqi minister of education arrive? And when? أين وصل وزير التعليم العراقي؟ ومتى؟

He arrived in London. Yesterday.

2. What did the meeting focus on? على ماذا ركز الاجتماع

To discuss education development programs between countries.

3. What was the minister's suggestion? ما هو مقترح وزير التعليم

Opening English schools in Iraq.

4. Who welcomed the Iraqi minister at the airport? من رحب بالوزير العراقي في المطار

British minister of education.

5. What did the sport's minister open in Basra? ماذا افتتح وزير الرياضة في البصرة

A new sports city in Basra.

6. How much did the sport's city cost? How long did it take? كم كلف بناء المدينة وكم استغرق العمل

One billion IQD. Three years to build.

7. When did the sport's minister arrive? متى وصل وزير الرياضة

He arrived at 10 A.M.

8. Why was the boy from the UK called a Hero? لماذا لقب الولد البريطاني بالبطل

Because he saved a child from a dangerous animal.

9. What was Salma doing at the start of the story? ماذا كانت تفعل سلمى في بداية القصة

Playing with a ball.

10. What did the dog do first? ماذا فعل الكلب في البداية

Ran up to Esra'a and her daughter.

11. What was John doing at the start of the story? ماذا كان يفعل جون في بداية القصة

Playing football.

12. What did John do? ماذا فعل جون

He kicked the ball at the dog.

تمرين (A) كتاب النشاط ص62. إقرأ المقالة عن زيارة وزير الرياضة، أكمل ملاحظات المراسل.

A. Read the article about the sports Minister's visit. Complete the reporter's notes.

  • Minister arrived at: 10 a.m.
  • Minister opened the sports city at: 11 a.m.
  • Cost of new sports city: 1 billion IQD

تمرين (B) كتاب النشاط. أجب عن هذه الأسئلة عن سلمى البياتي وجون سميث.

B. Answer these questions about Salma Al-Bayarti and John Smith.

1. What was Salma doing at the start of the story?

She was walking across the park / playing with a ball.

2. What did the dog do first?

It ran up to Esra'a and her daughter.

3. What was John doing at the start of the story?

He was playing football.

4. What did John do?

He kicked the ball at the dog.

تمرين (C) كتاب النشاط ص62.

C. Check this information in the advertisements. Write C (Cedars), HS (Hassan and Son), CT (Classic Tables), beside each sentence.

  1. Lunch costs 10,000 IQD. C
  2. It isn't open on Fridays. HS
  3. It closes at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays. CT
  4. It is not in the Al Mansur Mall. C
  5. It is in Yafa Street. C
  6. It is not open every day. HS

تمرين (D) كتاب النشاط ص63. أختر الشكل الصحيح للكلمة بين الأقواس (ماضي بسيط أو ماضي مستمر) لكل جملة.

D. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets (past simple or past continuous) for each sentence.

  • The president of France was reading (read) his emails when he got (get) the invitation to visit Iraq.
  • He accepted (accept) the invitation and looked forward (look forward).
  • The President came (come) to Iraq on Tuesday.
  • He arrived (arrive) early in the morning. He went (go) to the Al-Shaab Stadium.
  • The Prime Minister gave (give) the President lunch. After that, they were watching (watch) a football match when the President got (get) an important phone call.
  • After the match, he left (leave) and went (go) to the airport.

تمرين (E) كتاب النشاط ص63. أختر الشكل الصحيح للأفعال.

E. Choose the correct form of the verbs.

  1. what was Salma do / doing before the dog ran at her?
  2. She played / was playing in the park.
  3. John saw / was seeing the dog and Salma.
  4. John acted / was acting quickly and saved Salma.
  5. Many people were waiting / waited when the Minister arrived at 10 a.m.
  6. He spoke / was speaking to the public before leaving at 2 p.m.

حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
