حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى

Test A

تمرين (C) ص52. كتاب النشاط. معاكسات: جد عشرة ثنائيات من معاكسات الكلمات ثم اكتبها في الجدول:

C. Opposite: find ten pairs of words that are opposites and write them in the table.

words c

slow fast
fantastic awful
ugly beautiful
dark bright
expensive cheap
safe dangerous
sad happy
lazy hard-working
quiet noisy
old young

تمرين (E) ص53. كتاب النشاط.

E. Write the verb in the correct form- to go, go or going.

  1. I'd love to go to summer school this year.
  2. I'd rather go to the library.
  3. How about going fishing?
  4. OK, let's go fishing.

تمرين (F) كتاب النشاط ص54. أكمل الجمل بضمير صحيح أو صفه تملك.

F. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun or possessive adjective.

  1. That red bag isn't mine. My bag is blue.
  2. Salman fell down the stairs and broke his leg!
  3. Yoy need to tidy your room_ it's a mess.
  4. Please come to the park for a picnic with me/us.
  5. Dania has passed the exam. She studied really hard and her hard work was rewarded.

تمرين (G) كتاب النشاط ص54. اختر الكلمة، الكلمات الصحيحة لإكمال الجمل الشرطية الأولى.

G. Choose the correct word(s) to complete the first conditional sentences.

  1. If you eat too many sweets, you will feel ill.
  2. You won't do well on your test if you don't study.
  3. If I bake a cake, will you have some?
  4. Your sister will miss the bus if she doesn't get up soon.

حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى
